Having great time at Rutenfest, Ravensburg, Germany
Reviews > Europe > Germany > Ravensburg > Having great time at Rutenfest

Rutenfest was again awesome. I always feel fortunate to be able to spend time with all my friends there. It's a ton of people that you only see once a year and you still have a somewhat close relationship with all of them. In the US this would be the 10 year reunion or so.
Anyhow, I had two guests from Romania who got to take a look at my crazy city during this interesting time of the year. They rented a car which we used to drive to the airport on the 3rd. It was a very nice day and I had just about recovered from the festival. Quite nice how well everything worked out at the airport, returning the car and so on.
I was desperately trying to call my friend Mano in Stuttgart to meet me for a cup of coffee before taking off to Hungary and then Romania. I couldn't reach him of course... this was at noon and he was probably still asleep recovering from the Saturday night party.
The flight is really convenient and cheap. We were flying Germanwings, which is one of the discounters in Europe. You can get flights for 1 where you only need to pay for taxes and the flight is like a cab, you hop in, pick any seat and off you go.
Once we arrived in Hungary, we had a driver waiting for us. This was rather by mistake, usually we take the mini bus which takes you directly to Romania, but my friend's sister messed up booking it. The cost is still only $100 for the 4 hour drive. Typically they charge you about $20 per person for the bus and $25 per person for the train., so this wasn't a bad deal at all.
Anyhow, when I arrived in Oradea I called up a friend to hit the town a little bit. I ended up partying again!!! This club I went to is called Escape... Quite fun place indeed and CHEAP! Hehehehehe
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Be the first who requests a site listing for this page.1. Aug 3, 2006 Having great time at Rutenfest (Ravensburg) (

2. Aug 3, 2006 My visits to Oradea (Oradea) (

3. Aug 23, 2006 One Night in Budapest (Budapest)
4. Aug 24, 2006 Five hours of Vienna (Vienna) (

5. Sep 7, 2006 Trip to my house at lake Balaton in Hungary (Csopak) (

6. Sep 25, 2006 Back home in Ravensburg (Ravensburg)
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Ravensburg Travel guide
The city lies at about 17 kilometers nort-east of the lake of conctance. It has got the "Linzgau" on it´s west and the "Altdorfer forrest" on north-east side. The river "Schussen" flows through the town area, then directly in the lake of constance. Ravensburg is neighboured by varoius villages and cities, like Weingarten, famous for its barock Basilika, one of the biggest in germany, Berg, Horgenzell, Schlier, Grünkraut und Bodnegg.Climate Ravensburg lies in a valley, opened to the lake of constance. The lake is a big storage of warmth, so the climate is moderate and in the winter its not as cols as in... Read more »
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Das Humpishaus - Jul 28, 2009, by Victoria
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