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Ravensburg Sights and Landmarks Guide, Germany

Ravensburg is a city full of sights you have to visit. There are a lot of medieveal buildings preserved in the city centre and even on the edges of the town. even because Ravensburg was lucky during the second world war, a lot of sights are still preserved.

At first you should make a tour through whole town. Even guided tours are offered by the local tourism office:

"Tourist Information", street: Kirchstraße 16, zip code: 88212, city: Ravensburg

phone: 4975182800, fax: 4975182466

Opened: monday - friday: 9 - 17.30 o´clock, saturday: 10 - 13 o´clock

With these tours you can get an experience, what all you could exlpore in detail afterwards. A lot of these historical buildings are open to the public. Time schedules for that can be asked for at the tourist office.

One of the highlights of the city are the many towers, located all over the city limits. Because of that Ravensburg is also called city of the towers. One tower, called "Flour Tower" (german: Mehlsack) is even important for the local history of the city in medieval times. You can enter that tower regularly at Sa. / So. 10-15 o´clock (april – october), from where you have a great view all over the city.

You can also enter the tower called "BlaserTurm". It´s located nowadays directly in the city centre, next to the historical town hall. The towers name derives from medieval times, when it was used as a guard tower, garissoned by a man, alarming the people with a trumpet. It´s opened mo.-fr. 14-17 o´clock, Sa. 10-15 o´clock (april – october).

Besides these opening times, the towers can be booked for an hour from 9 till 18 o´clock for a tour. You also should look at the partially preserved city walls with a lot of watchtowers still in place.

You also have the possibilty to watch temporanean arts at the city galery of ravensburg:

"Städtische Galerie Ravensburg"

street: Am Gespinstmarkt, zip code: 88212, city:Ravensburg, phone: 497513638714 or 82-109

fax: 4975182165, E-Mail:

Also a new galery for modern arts is actually being built, but not yet ready for the public. Also a new museum for the history of ravensburg is being built, and will be open for public in the middle of 2009, june/july. Contact adress:

"Haus der Stadtgeschichte Ravensburg", street: Kuppelnaustraße 7, zip code: 88212, city: Ravensburg

phone: 4975182820, email:

CEO: Dr. Andreas Schmauder, director of the museum, Vesna Babic: Co Manager of the museum

It´s also possible to watch an historical opera house from the early twentieth century, where also a lot of theatre and cultural events are taking place:

"Konzerthaus", street: Wilhelmstraße 3, zip code: 88212, city: Ravensburg, phone: 4975122486

fax: 4975113172.

Ravensburg has got to offer much more culture, because a lot of smaller theatres, cinemas etc. are located within the city. If you plan to go there, take yourself time at least for a weekend, so that you can expericence the charme of the city.

On the "Marienplatz", the big plaza in the city centre, you can choose between a lot of bars and restaurants, offering a variety of styles and things to eat and drink. Besides that also many shops for clothes, shoes and everything else are located near the centre, so that you can send your girlfriend or wife on a shopping tour, while you are enjoying an coffee an the great view of an medieval town.

Alltogether you must admit, that Ravensburg is really worth a visit and you should really go there once in your life, because also the neigbouhring cities are quite lovely.

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  • MadSuhWhy come to Ravensburg?
    review by MadSuh posted more then 30 days ago
    I live in this town... anybody who has ever been here will confirm that this is one great little place. There are only 50,000 people living here, but live is gooood. the town is small, but had not been destroyed in a long time, so that all old buildings are still intact and make for a real nice...
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  • MadSuhÜber Ravensburg
    review by MadSuh posted more then 30 days ago
    Erstes Lied Vom Barette schwankt die Feder, wiegt und biegt im Winde sich. Unser Wams aus Büffelleder ist zerfetzt von Hieb und Stich. Stich und Hieb, und ein Lieb, muß ein, ja muß ein Landsknecht haben. Unsre Linke auf dem Schwerte, in der Rechten einen...
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Read our members' travel tips about Ravensburg

  • MadSuhVeitsburg View Point
    travel tip by MadSuh posted more then 30 days ago
    The Veitsburg is a small castle on a hill overviewing Ravenburg. The place is ideal for everybody who wants to get a better view of the city. If you are looking for a nice walk, this is where you want to go.
  • MadSuhMehlsack
    travel tip by MadSuh posted more then 30 days ago
    The Mehlsack tower is the symbol of Ravensburg. It's a 50m tall tower that was apparently built by the people of Ravensburg so that they could watch what the rich aristocrats were up to in the Veitsburg Castle. It's a real nice tower and...
  • MadSuhBlaserturm
    travel tip by MadSuh posted more then 30 days ago
    This is a great site in the middle of the city. It's one of the 11 towers in the city and you are allowed to climb it, so when you are in Ravensburg, you should do it. It's about 200 stairs to the top, quite tiring, but well worth it....
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Ravensburg City Ratings

  • Rating71%
    City Rank221
  • History & Culture: rated for 83%
  • Night Life & Entertainment: rated for 57%
  • Family & Fun: rated for 80%
  • Outdoors Activities: rated for 73%
  • Food: rated for 67%
  • Sightseeing: rated for 67%
  • Shopping: rated for 77%
  • Public Transportation: rated for 73%
  • Must visit this place: rated for 65%
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