Back home in Ravensburg, Germany
Reviews > Europe > Germany > Ravensburg > Back home in Ravensburg
I went to my favorite spots and found close to nothing:(However, one of the days I went to the pre-Alps as we call the area just north of the Apls and we found a lot of these orange mushrooms that are very tasty. Too bad I don't know the name in English. They are called Reizger in German.
Ok... I spent a week in Germany and off I was again for another quick trip to Hungary. This time not for work but just to relax at my father's vacation home.
Things about Ravensburg you may be interested in
Be the first who requests a site listing for this page.1. Aug 3, 2006 Having great time at Rutenfest (Ravensburg) (

2. Aug 3, 2006 My visits to Oradea (Oradea) (

3. Aug 23, 2006 One Night in Budapest (Budapest)
4. Aug 24, 2006 Five hours of Vienna (Vienna) (

5. Sep 7, 2006 Trip to my house at lake Balaton in Hungary (Csopak) (

6. Sep 25, 2006 Back home in Ravensburg (Ravensburg)
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Having great time at RutenfestWas zu wissen über Ravensburg
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Ravensburg History
During the reformation Ravensburg got an proportional system of reign, confirmed by the so called peace of Westphalia in 1648, end of the 30 years war in Europe. That was valid till the 19th century. At the end of the 30 years war the swedish army destroyed the castle, that was now called Veitsburg, to make a differnce to the city called Ravensburg. Because of that the Landvogt moved to Weingarten in 1647, a neighbouring town of Ravensburg. In 1803 Ravensburg lost its independence and was put to the area of Bavaria. That was a consequence of the napoleonic wars. In 1815 it was assigned to the kingdom of Württemberg.... Read more »
Recent reviews for Ravensburg
Abenteuer in Ravensburg - Jun 28, 2009, by mary
Heute Morgen bin ich von meiner Freundin nach Hause gekommen. Es hat leider geregnet. Ich war totall aufgeregt, weil ich am Nachmittag bei einem Staffellauf mitmachen würde. Ich habe schon jedes Jahr mitgemacht. Zur Ablenkung spielte... Read more »
The versatility of Ravensburg - Apr 12, 2009, by Wazling
Ravensburg is a amazing place. In the two world wars it wasn't heavily hit, so the medieval town is completely preserved. It's really interesting to see for example the old town hall from the 15th century or the many towers of medieval... Read more »
Das Humpishaus - Jul 28, 2009, by Victoria
Das humishaus ist eigentlich ein museum das erst neu eröffnet hat es erzählt die Geschichte von Ravensburg. Dort sieht man auch nochmal den ganzen Stadtplan von Ravensburg und der Eintritt ist sehr billig .So viel gibt es nicht... Read more »
Die liebfrauen - Jul 28, 2009, by Victoria
Hallo Leute ich will euch von der Liebfrauen erzählen sie werden sich fragen wer oder besser gesagt was ist das.Nun es ist eine katholische Kirche.Die Stadtkirche in Ravensburg.Es ist eine große und wunderschöne Kirche und... Read more »
Why come to Ravensburg? - Dec 15, 2008, by MadSuh
I live in this town... anybody who has ever been here will confirm that this is one great little place. There are only 50,000 people living here, but live is gooood. the town is small, but had not been destroyed in a long time, so that all... Read more »
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