Chihuahua History, Mexico
There are many researched meanings for the word Chihuahua. No set proof yet confirms which is correct and which isn’t. Some of the meanings researched are place of holed - rock, between 2 waters, and sandy and dry place. One thing which is known for sure is that the word Chihuahua is older than the times when the Spanish army had conquered Mexico.
The first name of this city was El Real de Minas de San Francisco el Cuellar. This name was given to this land by Antonio Deza y Ulloa somewhere on 12th October 1709. This was the time when officially the foundation for the city of Chihuahua was laid. A huge villa was built somewhere in 1718 and it was named as San Felipe el Real de Chihuahua. By the year 1823 the name was shortened to Chihuahua as the local public was using only the word Chihuahua to refer to their homeland. Antonio Deza y Ulloa is said to have opted for this place as it was the meeting point for two huge rivers namely Sacramento and Chuviscar.
The city of Chihuahua was the meeting point for various Roman Catholic Missionaries. Those missionaries who used to travel to and from sierra (a region covered by mountains somewhere in western side in state of Chihuahua) would the city of Chihuahua as the hub for their movement.
Due to the presence of many missionaries in the city of Chihuahua many locals didn’t participate in the war for independence of Mexico and hence the city didn’t face heavy bloodshed during those times. The only big news was the execution of Miguel Hidalgo in the year 1811 by the Spanish Army. Miguel was said to be the father of the country.
Later the locals of the city heavily took part in the Revolution of Mexico between the years 1910 and 1917. It was the twentieth century when the city of Chihuahua actually started to become serious for its economical growth. The locals of the city started to use the resources of neighboring America so as to give a jump start to the economy of Chihuahua.
It was the year 2002 when the first official mall was built in the city of Chihuahua and annual commercial fairs were also started during this time itself.
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Frontier Airlines
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Multiple Airlines
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