travelgrove Reviews

Visiting the Coral Pink and Red Sand Dunes, Kanab, Utah

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Kanab 3
MadSuh's pictureby MadSuh review
added on 20th of June, 2010

The same day we left from Bryce Canyon to drive all the way to Page, AZ. This is where Lake Powell is located. We really didn't have much time and had to make the most of the weekend to get as much land covered as possible.

Anyhow, we drove for about 1 1/2 hours when I saw a little sign that read "Coral Pink & Red Sand Dunes 10 Miles". I remembered the book my dad had received for one of his birthdays which I really enjoyed as a kid. It had many US National Parks and State Parks in it. One of the pictures I remembered were these sand dunes, which I always wondered about where they were.

They really are amazing, just because they have this really nice color and they make you feel like you are somehere in the Sahara.

Anyhow, we drove down the road a bit further and I started wondering when we would finally reach them. The sun was also slowly setting and I was afraid that we would not have enough time there.

Finally, we saw the dunes and they turned out spectacular. One of the nicest places you'll ever see. I really enjoyed it and was running around the sand dunes like a little kid. The only disturbing thing there is that they actually allow these quads to drive around, which you'll see on the pictures. Anyhow, it was really cool there and I even ended up finding some petrified wood there, cool!

After spending quite a bit of time there and the sun had almost set already, we got back on the road, really content about the fact that we had found this place.

We had about 90 Miles to Page, but it turned out to be quite scary afterall. We were running low on gas and there was no gas station for about 50 Miles. The problem is that while Isaac's truck served us well, it's also a gasoline killing machine and the gas meter does not work, so you are always guessing how far you can go. I could not believe that there was no gas station and Axel started to get real nervous already, but then none of us were in the mood to hitchhike in order to get some gas.

It all turned out well, and we did manage to get to the gas we were looking for :)


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1. May 12, 2010 Trip to Los Angeles (Los Angeles)
2. May 13, 2010 Getting around in Los Angeles (Los Angeles)  (* 4)
3. May 14, 2010 Best things to see in Los Angeles (Los Angeles)  (* 15)
4. May 15, 2010 What to see in Los Angeles (Los Angeles)  (* 26)
5. May 17, 2010 Visiting Las Vegas (Las Vegas)  (* 94)
6. May 21, 2010 Our Bryce Canyon trip (Bryce Canyon)  (* 96)
7. May 21, 2010 Visiting the Coral Pink and Red Sand Dunes (Kanab)  (* 16)
8. May 22, 2010 Trip to the Antelope Canyon (Page)  (* 127)
9. May 22, 2010 Our Lake Powell trip (Page)  (* 19)
10. May 23, 2010 Visiting the Grand Canyon (Grand Canyon Village)  (* 65)
11. May 24, 2010 Shopping in Barstow (Barstow)
12. May 25, 2010 Short visit in San Francisco (San Francisco)
13. May 27, 2010 What to do in San Francisco (San Francisco)
14. May 27, 2010 Roadtrip on Pacific Number 1 (Pismo Beach)

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