Greensboro History, North Carolina
The history of Greensboro, NC begins in the year 1781. Major General Nathanael Greene led the Battle of Guilford Court House. The American soldiers lost that battle, but the namesake remained over the years. The land on which the future city of Greensboro would stand was purchased for a mere $98.00.
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Greensboro was first established as a village. The village quickly grew and by 1821, the town was inhabited by more than 350 local residents. The Governor of North Carolina owned an estate in the town of Greensboro and in the 1840s, after the Governor chose Greensboro as a stop on the new railway line, the population exploded. Within a short time, the town was considered the “gateway” to the rest of North Carolina.
The goods transported by the railway lines were related to the textile market. This industrial cornerstone held stability within the city of Greensboro well into the 21st century. Today, Greensboro remains a textile hub for the United States even though many of the original companies have since gone bankrupt or merged with larger textile companies.
The railway stations today has grown by leaps and bounds. Four trains stop in Greensboro every day heading both north and south of the city. The cities most often served are Washington DC, Atlanta and New Orleans.
The cotton farms located in and around the city of Greensboro brought wealth into the area. With wealth came the need for constructions to house the new and old money now living in Greensboro. Many of these “mansions” and “plantations” remain standing today. The oldest building still standing today is the Blandwood Mansion and Gardens. The home was built in 1795. In 1846, the home was renovated and an addition was placed on the home designed by Alexander Jackson Davis. After the building of the Blandwood Mansion, other wealthy residents chose Greensboro as the perfect place for their homes. Notable mansions include Dunleith, Bellemeade, and the Bumpass Troy House.
Through the years, industrial, textile and transportation have been the center of the business world in Greensboro. Even with the massive population and financial growth, the city of Greensboro fought through trials and tribulations centering on the integration of businesses and schools. Black student protested segregation and whites fought back by establishing a strong foundation in the KKK. Over the years, the dust settled and Greensboro is today one of the most diverse cities in the United States.
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