Monroe Travel Guide, Louisiana
Monroe, LA US - Overview: A Part of Louisiana’s Twin Cities
The eighth largest city of Louisiana with a population of 53,107, Monroe was founded in 1785 and given the status of a city in 1990. Known around the world for its growth in the industrial field, it is home to a popular university and an art museum. It is often coupled with its neighboring city West Monroe, to be jointly referred to as northeast Louisiana’s Twin Cities.
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Monroe - A Green City
Making a conscious effort to remain an environment friendly city, Monroe has its fair share of landscaped parks and green patches to enhance the quality of life of its residents and visitors. The citizens of Monroe also play a key role in keeping the city clean and green, preventing litter, reducing wastes and maintaining its natural wealth. Monroe works towards building a city that through a balance of both economic and environmental development can create a niche for itself.
Art & Architecture
The art of a city is reflective of its culture and is often displayed in its galleries and museums. Monroe is home to such museums that often represent its historical events and achievements in different fields. The diversity of its cultural background is evidently displayed in its museums dedicated to art, sculpture, zoology and crafts.
The city’s architecture is not breathtaking but has a charm of its own and is enhanced with the presence of historic homes, buildings and gardens that intensify its beauty.
Predominantly dependent on its agricultural and wood industry in its initial days, Monroe has over the years shifted to different industries. It is home to many manufacturing units primarily plastics, chemicals, automotive parts, pulp and paper. Being the site of the first Coca-Cola bottling plant and serving Delta Air Lines for fifteen years, it is often referred to as the "Birthplace of Delta Air Lines."
Other than manufacturing industries, the city is also home to many healthcare, insurance and banking firms. The eighth largest provider of telecommunications in the country, Monroe is the corporate headquarters of one of the biggest telecommunications companies of the nation and boasts of five well-equipped hospitals with state-of-the-art facilities.
Reaching Monroe
Easily accessible via the Monroe Regional Airport, the city of Monroe can also be reached via road. While the Greyhound Bus Lines connect it to other cities across the country, moving within the city is also fairly easy. The Monroe Transit System is an economical and convenient option for exploring the city. Another option for moving around is through taxis or rented cars that are easily available.
The city of Monroe has a spirit of its own and has over the years attracted visitors from around the world with its beauty.
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