Monroe Sights and Landmarks Guide, Louisiana
While on a trip to Monroe you must be prepared to enjoy the great mix of modern style monuments and historical monuments. The great architecture reflects history as well as touches of latest technologies thus making the monuments awesome. Monroe Sights has something unique that you might not find in other cities like Baton Rouge for example.
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Black Bayou Lake in Monroe
You will surely be surprised to see the beautiful sight of a bayou while in this city. It is one of the must see tourist attractions in this city. The importance of this lake increases as it has been tagged as the National Wildlife Refuge of the United States.
This huge refuge consists of a huge lake, reforested farming fields, and around 1600 acres of land. Tourists enjoy the huge collection of fish of the lake and the awesome wildlife which this refuge possesses. It has no entrance fees and it is open throughout the year for all those who take special permission from the authorities.
The Aviation Museum of Monroe
Selman Field (that is part of Monroe) played a very important role for the United States Army during the World War II. As of today the only surviving monument of World War II in Selman Field is being used to house a museum that has a huge collection of artifacts related to aviation and astronautical paraphernalia donated by various astronauts. It is a must visit place for those who love such aviation related stuff.
Antique Alley in Monroe
The city of Monroe has a whole street dedicated to antique items. Hence, if you love antique items you must take a stroll around this alley and visit various shops. It also has some food outlets for those who get tiered of walking.
The Pink House of Monroe
It is another famous tourist attraction in Monroe due to its look. Each and every tourist that drives past this building admires it at least once due to its attractive color and design. Though not listed as an official tourist hot spot, it attracts many tourists due to various legends that are attached to it.
If you have time you could also visit the nearby city of Jackson.
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