Monroe Nightlife, Louisiana
Though the city of Monroe has started to attract huge number of tourists every year, you will be surprised to know that Monroe Nightlife hasn’t changed much in last 10 years. The city has few nightclubs and bars but none match the quality of other metro cities like Little Rock or Shreveport. In this travel guide for Monroe Nightlife we will list some of the night hot spots of this city where various night owls can enjoy their night.
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Monroe Nightlife - El Chico
Though Monroe has no real night hot spots, some of the restaurants have their own small bars that are enough to attract many night lovers. El Chico is one of them. Along with the great collection of eatables the restaurant has a small bar that serves various drinks for its customers. The specialty of this bar is draft beer and margarita. They offer you one free if you pay for one!
Monroe Nightlife - Gas plus Beer
Although this just looks to be a gas station, the same building also has a small bar which is open all night for those who want some place to drink during night hours. The dark atmosphere and the casual feeling of this place makes it an awesome gas station for many car drivers. It is located in the northern region of Monroe.
Monroe Nightlife - Enochs
Enochs happens to be another restaurant in Monroe which regularly attracts night lovers. This place regularly attracts various students, blue collar workers, professors, people from gay community, and various Monroe Expats. This perfect mix of generations in this place makes it a must visit for every tourist as it gives you the chance to meet every type of Monroe locals in one single place.
Monroe Nightlife - Cooter Bay
The word Cooter means turtle so it was a bit confusing why they called this nightclub Cooter Bay but the atmosphere in this nightclub is truly happening. Mostly various couples hit this nightclub and if you don’t have a partner then we suggest you take a drink and enjoy the music but never stare at someone else’s girlfriend. You can actually get beaten up for doing that. Though they have laundry next door for you to wash your blood off in case you get hit seriously!
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