Samara History, Russia
Samara History is one full of events, changes and revivals. The beginning of its story has it that the Metropolitan of Moscow, passing by the region, predicted that a beautiful city will be built and that it will never be destroyed. The first information we have about it dates back to the 16th century when Samara started as a fortress erected at the confluence between Volga River and Samara Rivers. Due to its role as a port, the city soon became an important economic and diplomatic Russian center, representing a vital connection between the country and the East.
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In the 19th century, the city turned into the center of the Province of Samara and its population increased drastically. This important change led to the development of almost all aspects of this Russian town, starting from economy and finishing with culture and politics.
Samara, History- middle past
The end of the 19th century met a flourishing Samara, in which the multitude of factories and administrative buildings maintained a high quality of life for its inhabitants. The development of this town resembled much to those in North America that is why Samara was sometimes called “Russian Chicago” or “Russian New Orleans”. This Golden period attracted more and more people moving here, which increased the number of locals to almost 100,000.
However, the period to follow is a very sad one in the history of this amazing city. 1921 was a year of despair for the Russians living in Samara. Due to the severe hunger, many provisions were brought here with the help of the Red Cross and the United States. During the Second World War, Samara, previously renamed Kuybyshev, in the honor of the Bolshevik leader, was chose to be an alternative capital, in case Moscow was seized by the Germans.
Samara, History- present
After the dramatic events that took place, the city continued its existence but was forced to change not only its aspect, but also its profile and institutions. Due to the ravaging wars, a new industry started to develop here: the defense industry. In the 20th century, it regained its initial name, that of Samara and up to our days it has represented one of the major industrial and economic cities of Russia. Samara History, just like Moscow History and Kharkov History is just the beginning of what this amazing Russian town will one day be.
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