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Samara Travel Guide, Russia

Samara, Travel Guide- general presentation

Samara is situated in the south-east part of European Russia, in the Federal District of Volga. It is one of the most important industrial, economic, political and cultural centers of this enormous country called Russia. It is surrounded to the east by the Steppes, to the west by the Volga River and in north by the Sokolyi Hills.

Samara, Travel Guide- how to get there

Samara Travel Guide will give you important information about how to reach this amazing place. If you are traveling from far away, then it is wiser and more comfortable for you to choose the airplane. Kurumoch Airport is the international airport of this city. From here, there are also flights to other surrounding towns and departures to Moscow at every 2 hours. The best way to get to your hotel is to either take a taxi which is kind of expensive (30 euro) or you can opt for the bus that will cost you only 0.25 euro. However the latter option will force you to change two buses for the one getting to the railway station for you can reach downtown.

When traveling inside Samara, you can always rely on its railway system, which is a very modern, cheap and comfortable. It is also with the help of this public transportation that you can make a quick visit to the Russian capital.

Samara, Travel Guide- attractions

Right in the center of the town, you can easily find one of the most interesting pieces of architecture: Drama Theater. It was built in the 19th century, including two different and opposite styles but which blend in perfect harmony.

Next in top in Samara Travel Guide is Kubychev, the statue that guards the square surrounding the Ballet Building. Kubychev was the initial name of this unique city. It is here that Russians hold their market on Sundays and their military parades in wartime.

However, I think the best trip you can ever take in Samara is a long walk along the Volga River. It is here that you can rest your senses, observe the people, admire the surroundings and question about the agitated past of this culture.

Once your adventure here comes to an end, take a quick look at Moscow Travel Guide and Kazan Travel Guide and continue your Russian trip.

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