Makati Map, Philippines
If you feel like you need some help to find your way in your destination city, you are in the right place. This Makati Map will certainly help you to seek out the best restaurants, clubs and sights in town. You want to know what is the best place for a walk? Or what you should be watching out for during your visit? Learn more about the best things to do in the city reading our travel tips and then get around in Makati with Travelgrove's map. While searching for places, you can also check some cheap flights or deals or you can take a look at our user's galleries about the city. We hope you will find our city map of Makati useful. Enjoy your trip and come back to share your travel experience about Makati!
Makati Travel Guide
Modern Makati Makati City is home to most of Metro Manila’s upscale residences and establishments and is considered the Philippine’s financial capital. One of the seventeen municipalities that comprise Metro Manila, this city is an important economic and business hub of the country. If you want a taste of cosmopolitan culture in the Philippines, this is the city to be in. Makati City is considered the modern... read moreMakati Nightlife
The Sounds of Makati There’s nothing as breathtaking as the view of the Makati skyline at night especially from afar when the skyscrapers are all lit up and show up like groups of stars in the night sky. Just when you thought the day has ended, the city continues to buzz even as the sun starts to set. Makati is a haven of bars, clubs and restaurants that provide entertainment until the early hours. Makati has... read moreMakati History
The Malays arrived in balanghais (big sailboats; from where the term “barangay” was also derived) and settled in Makati because the area seemed not to be claimed yet by a certain ruler. With their primitive organization of small communities, they began a simple political system in order to maintain peace and order within their group. Each barangay was ruled by a datu. The datu was chosen by virtue of succession,... read moreMakati Sightseeing
There's a little more than just imposing skyscrapers and picturesque skylines that the city of Makati offers its visitors. The Philippine’s financial capital and business hub is a tourist haven that never ceases to interest its visitors with its modern, cultural, historic and fun attractions. There are plenty of places to explore while visiting this cosmopolitan city. Traveling Around Makati is accessible through... read moreThings about Makati you may be interested in
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