Merida Nightlife, Mexico
The city of Mérida is famous for the many historical sights it has preserved even when the city is moving quickly towards high tech. The city has many cultural centers, many theaters, huge number of museums, and multiple shopping centers thus making your tour to this city memorable. Once you are done enjoying the historical charm of this city, you can enjoy the rocking nightlife. Pubs in the city of Mérida are considerably good with pleasant weather during night hours thus setting the perfect atmosphere necessary to enjoy nightlife.
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If you happen to visit the city of Mérida during weekends, you can be assured that you will enjoy one of the most rocking nightlife of your life. During weekends, various bands come out on streets and play music continuously in the proximity of various bars thus setting up the atmosphere under the sky for a rocking nightlife. These people are mostly forced to play very loud music so as to cover the sound which comes from other places as almost every block has some band group playing different kinds of music. It looks like the city of Mérida comes to life during weekends due to these wild band groups. You get the chance to enjoy the traditional music live.
Paseo Montejo happens to be the best place for you to walk around during night hours with your friends. Hence, if you are looking for a romantic nightlife then you can walk around various pubs and listen to the soothing music which they continuously play during night hours. You can also enjoy the huge collection of drinks.
If you happen to hit the city of Mérida during summer then you must enjoy various night concerts which are regularly organized. The best place to enjoy such concerts is Parque Santiago where each Tuesday night a rocking concert is organized. If you actually love concerts that much then you must read the local newspaper that will give you an idea of various concerts being organized in the city of Mérida.
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Phoenix, AZ (PHX) → Merida, MX (MID)
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Multiple Airlines
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