Tangerang Travel Guide, Indonesia
In terms of population the city of Tangerang bags the second spot when compared to other cities in the country of Indonesia. The only other city which is above Tangerang when it comes to population is the city of Jakarta. The city of Tangerang is situated in the proximity of Jakarta. The distance between the two cities is around 20 kilometers and the city of Tangerang is situated somewhere in the western side of the city of Jakarta. The city of Tangerang is part of Banten which is a state in the country of Indonesia.
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As per the census of year 2005 the population for the city of Tangerang is around one and a half million. Same is the reason why the city of Tangerang is said to be the second most populated city in Indonesia (as pointed above).
Amongst the 1.5 million inhabitants of this city, a large chunk of the locals are descendents from China. It was actually the Dutch Rulers who had forcefully brought workers from China to this region and even though the Dutch Rule ended soon but these workers stayed in this city along with there families. The local Chinese of this city have always shown interest in their Chinese culture and hence you will surely find many temples and cemeteries located in and around the city of Tangerang
The climate for the city of Tangerang is hot but bearable for the locals of the city. Along with hot surroundings the city also experiences humidity due to the presence of water bodies around the city.
The annual average temperature for the city of Tangerang is around 26 degree Celsius. The maximum annual average temperature is around 32 and the minimum annual average temperature is around 22.
Tangerang is connected to Jakarta by two highways namely Jakarta-Merak highway and the second is Jakarta - Serpong Damai highway. Along with the busy roads the locals in the city of Tangerang use the Airport which is located in the city itself. The large and famous airport is named Soekarno-Hatta International Airport. Even the locals from the city of Jakarta use this airport for traveling purposes as they don’t have any airport in their own city.
Tangerang as a city has improved considerably in last few decades due to the serious involvement of the local government. Whenever you are in the proximity of this city you must visit it for at least few hours.
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