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Kolding Nightlife, Denmark

When the sun descends into the horizon to welcome the night, everything is expected to quiet, everything is expected to be still. Well, this is not the case of this middle-sized town of Denmark. In Kolding, the sunset just sets the party in motion.

Since 2001, the originally small town of Kolding has reached a population of 86,000 from its convergence with four other municipalities. The change has brought together the thrill and sophistication of big-city lifestyle with the warmth and quaintness of a village life and Kolding's nightlife shows just that.

Kolding has a little piece of everything for everyone. For the cosmopolitan craving for the culture and arts, The Nicolai Block, Kolding's culture block, is the place to be. Located in the haven of the academe, the complex comprises of culture houses, historical archives, and its very own theatre. Catch orchestras and exhibits from the town's homegrown artists and designers at Kolding's cradle of music and art, The Nicolai Theatre.

Patrons of performance arts will love the fact that Kolding hosts a bevy of live performances throughout the year.  You can witness musicals and plays at theaters such as the Dronning Dorothea Theatre.

Kolding also boasts a bustling film industry. Take a pick from films ranging from mainstream movies at the Biocenter or at the Vamdrup kino, to the independent art films in Nicolai Biograf & Cafe.

Music aficionados can head to Godset, a town-owned music hall that has also been rated as one of the best in existence in Denmark. It features concerts and theatrical plays alike.

Love music played outdoors? Kolding also has the place for you. Check out the summer Open Air Music Festivals in Skamlingsbanken that features rock music in July and opera in August.

Party animals and social butterflies will feel right at home in Kolding's nightclub arena. Clubs like Crazy Daisy, English Pub, You'll Never Walk Alone (yes, it's a real name of a bar), and Blue Cafe have a perfect slice of life for any party-goer, and it doesn't hurt either that these clubs serve great grub and tons of Danish beer and spirits until sunrise.

In addition, of course, what nightlife is complete without the “dine” part of “wine and dine”? Food is not something that Kolding skimps at. The city is widely known for its organic cuisine fit for anyone from the grab-and-go type to the slow-and-savored individual.

Moreover, a plus factor: one never has to wait around for something to happen in Kolding. With the town's annual festivals and events such as the Culture Day, the Cartoon Festival in May, and the Country Fest in June, no party-goer is left in celebration hiatus.

Kolding is quite the opposite of what the town's name might suggest. Here, people are warm and friendly, and that's just about everything that makes any town a perfect place for someone to be in. Then just as day breaks, this mid-sized seaport town in Denmark presents you the best conclusion of your night. There at its prized harbor, is a view of the rest of the world.

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