Nice open air museum in Xanten, Germany
Reviews > Europe > Germany > Xanten > Nice open air museum in Xanten
If you arent interested in history, you can enjoy the quiet nature. If you are close by Xanten, take a short look at the city and of course the open air museum.
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Dusseldorf History
The 19th century was not particularly auspicious for Dusseldorf, mainly because of the Napoleonic Wars that reduced the city to poverty. After the defeat of Napoleon, Dusseldorf, as well as other major Rhineland cities such as Bonn, Heidelberg or Mainz, were given to Prussia. The industrial revolution restored much of Dusseldorf’s former glory, but World War II bombings razed the city to the ground. After the end of the war, Dusseldorf became the new capital of North Rhine-Westphalia, and the city underwent extensive reconstruction work. Nowadays, Dusseldorf is one of the most pleasant and exciting tourist destinations in Germany, a... Read more »
Recent reviews for Xanten
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One fact about Berlin, Germany: the 70% of the city stands of forest. So Berlin is one of the cleanest and most beautiful cities of the world, with a lot of parks and threes even in the center, what gives an unbeatable, calm and comfortable... Read more »
Short trip to the Duisburg Zoo - Apr 30, 2009, by cipristb
The Duisburg Zoo is located in the northern city of Duisburg wich is one of the cities of Germany and is one of the biggest and most beautiful zoos in Germany. The Duisburg Zoo is crossed by means of a freeway, so that it is divided into... Read more »
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