travelgrove Reviews

Things to do in Constance, Germany

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asterix's pictureby asterix review
added on 6th of July, 2010

Mainau is an island in Lake Constance. It is maintained as a garden island and a model of excellent environmental practices. We just arrived to Constance with ferry than by car just about 5 km and we found that really exiting island.

It has a lot of exotic flowers, palm trees, giant trees, with a greenery and butterfly house and in the middle of the island the famous palace by Lennart Bernadotte.

At the coast of the island you can find a lot of ducks and swan so close that you can barelly touch them.

We spent there the whole day, this was really beatuiful and relaxing.


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Two weeks in Germany - overview

1. Nov 30, 1999 Europa Park in Rust (Rust)  (* 4)
2. Jun 22, 2010 Ravensburg (Ravensburg)  (* 10)
3. Jun 23, 2010 Things to do in Constance (Constance)  (* 22)
4. Jun 24, 2010 Short visit in Munich (Munich)  (* 27)
5. Jun 26, 2010 What to see in Waldburg (Waldburg)  (* 16)
6. Jun 26, 2010 What to visit in Weingarten (Weingarten)  (* 11)

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Wuppertal History

As the Second World War began, Wuppertal (like other industrial/commercial centers) became the target of Allies’ attacks. The attacks wrought havoc and by the end of the war about two-fifth of the city was destroyed. The end of WWII in 1945 saw Wuppertal becoming a part of the British Zone of Occupation and when the Prussian Rhine Province was divided in 1946, Wuppertal became a city of the North Rhine-Westphalia state of British-occupied Germany. After the division of Germany and the creation of West and East Germany in 1949, Wupperrtal became a West German city and it continued to be so until 1990 when the two Germanys were reunited.... Read more »


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