Academia da Cachaça bar in Rio de Janeiro, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
Travel tips > South America > Brazil > Rio De Janeiro > Academia da Cachaça bar in Rio de Janeiro
- Night Life & Entertainment travel tip
- City center
Rua Conde de Bernadote 26, loja G
Reasonable prices.
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Recent travel tips for Rio De Janeiro
- Sugarloaf MountainEverybody who's ever see a post-card of Rio knows about the huge, strangely shaped mountain overlooking the harbor and the city. This is Sugarloaf Mountain, called by the locals 'Bondinho' (because it looks like a loaf of unrefined sugar). [...]D: 3.2mi00
- Museu Chácara do Céu Rio de JaneiroThis museum used to be the home of a famous French-born industrialist, and it actually still feels like somebody's home. A majestic, modernist, richly furnished house full of amazing pieces of Asian and European art, which used to belong to [...]D: 4.9mi00
- Arco do TelesArco de Teles is a small neighbourhood which showcases what Rio used to look like a long long time ago. An archway is the entrance to a series of narrow, cobbled streets, where beautiful colonial two-storey buildings have been turned into [...]D: n/a00
- Centro Cultural CariocaThe Centro Cultural Carioca is the best place to go for some great Brazilian live music, usually samba, choro and gafieira. There are also theatrical performances, and even international bands come to perform at this famous venue. The [...]D: 5.7mi00
- Casa do Pontal MuseumI'm not going to lie to you, this museum is pretty far from the city center of Rio, it takes about an hour by car to get there. But once you see it, you won't regret having come so far. The museum's surroundings are very pleasant, the [...]D: n/a00
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Rio De Janeiro Nightlife
Rio de Janeiro can undoubtedly be called the party capital of the world. It is specially known for its huge nightlife possibilities. With the best of bars and cafes, and the ever-lively discotheques, Rio de Janeiro is a hot favorite of many party animals. Besides the party scene, there are other nightlife facilities like the movie theatres and the drama theatres are also very popular there. Have a [...]More travel tips you might be interested in
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