travelgrove Travel Tips

Saint Louis Cemetery No. 1, New Orleans, Louisiana

  • General travel tip
  • City center
Distance from city center: 0.6mi
tibi60's pictureby tibi60 General travel tip
added on the 29th of August, 2010
This interesting city has some interesting cemeteries, and among the 40 graveyards scattered around New Orleans, Saint Louis no. 1 is one of the most interesting.

Like in typical New Orleanean cemeteries, the graves are all built above the ground because the soil contains a lot o water. They look like small crypts, and depending on the fortune of the deceased's family, they can be large or small, richly decorated or simple.

Some famous residents of the city are buried here, including Marie Laveau, the voodoo queen of New Orleans. It can be dangerous for tourists to wander around the cemetery alone, so bring your friends along or join a tour.

Treme St, New Orleans, LA, USA


Molly's pub in New OrleansTipitina's in New orleans

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