Sana Travel Guide, Yemen
Sana Travel Guide – The Powerful Arabian Capital
This Sana travel guide will give you all the information you need when travelling to the magical city filled with history that functions as the capital of Yemen. Yemen is the only republic state in the Arabian Peninsula and it has over 23 million inhabitants spread over the main territory and over 200 islands. In fact, it is the world’s 49th largest country, which places it right after France. The capital of Sana has an estimated 1.9 million inhabitants and it is located in the western part of the country, 360 kilometers away from the city of Taiz and 760 kilometers away from Asmara in Eritrea.
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It is Yemen’s largest city and in recent years, the developments it went through are amazing, as the population grew rapidly due to the increase in life standards and economical prosperity. This is also visible in the cityscape, as architecture is modernizing all the time, offering tourists the opportunity to enjoy the culture of the past together with the benefits of the present.
Sana Travel Guide – Half History
Sana is known for its rich history, which dates back to the 6th century BC. Since then, Sana has had important functions through all the empires that ruled the area and its most recent success was becoming the Arab Cultural Capital in 2004. The old city located in the centre of Sana has been inhabited for over 2500 years and has been declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1986. There are over 100 mosques and 6.000 houses in the old city, some of them 400 years old, and constant efforts are being made to preserve them as well as possible. The general aspect of this part of town is of narrow spaces with tall, old walls that look like primitive skyscrapers. The streets here are like a maze where you can get lost and have real access to the culture and traditional markets of the people of Sana.
Sana Travel Guide – Half Future
The official Sana travel guide city motto is “Half History, Half Future”, and this is visible both in the mentality of the people as well as in the appearance of the city, which has recently seen the building of many skyscrapers and alternative solutions to lessen the traffic in the city proper. While millionaires are investing in private mansions or hotels as well as business centers, the government focuses on the construction of improved motorways and on the expansion of the already existing Sana International Airport. A railway network is also on the way, which in its turn will attract more and more investors, ensuring that Sana will continue to prosper as it has been doing up to the present.
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