Sana Sights and Landmarks Guide, Yemen
Sana Sights – The Old Architectural Wonder
Sana, the capital of the Republic of Yemen, is one of the richest cities in the Arabian Peninsula, both culturally and architecturally, so visiting it is sure to give you great satisfaction. The first written references to the city date back to the 1st century AD, but archeological evidence proves that the city has existed since the 6th century BC. All this history may seem overwhelming, but the people of Sana know how to take advantage of it and the part of town known as the Old City has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1986. This means that the best you can do in this part of town is walk around and marvel at the 9-meter structures that boldly rise into the sky like old skyscrapers and form narrow maze-like streets. All these buildings are beautifully decorated with carved stone and stained glass, which make them an architectural wonder worth protecting and studying as closely as possible.
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Sana Sights – Main Cultural and Historical Objectives
The best starting point of your visit is through the 700-year old Bab-al Yaman (Yemen Gate), one of the most important Sana sights, which is an iconic entry gate into the city. Another Sana must-see is Jami’ al-Kabir (the Great Mosque), which dates back to the seventh century and is one of the oldest inheritances in the Muslim world.
If you’re interested in shopping you should definitely check out another one of the important Sana sights, Suq al-Milh (Salt Market), that was originally a slave and salt market, but where you can go today and bargain for the best spices, pottery, silverware and antiques. Be advised though, the vendors are proficient in what they do and you might end up going home with more than you wanted, especially fake antique pieces or very expensive ones. The Presidential Palace is located very close, in the Al Madina commercial area of the old city, where you will also find many hotels and restaurants, including KFC and Pizza Hut.
Sana Sights – The Entertainment Areas
Newer constructions are also rapidly developing in Saaa, as they are in neighboring Taiz or in Jeddah in Saudi Arabia. Here, one of the largest mosques in the world, Masjid al Saleh, has just been finalized.
However, if you are looking for some entertainment, the theme park Funcity and Sabean Park are just what you’re looking for. Here you can find all kinds of rides and adventures, arcade games and American specialized restaurants, where you can eat your burgers and fries. These are also the places where you should go if you want to enjoy some fresh air and green areas, as there are two large playgrounds and walking areas filled with specific vegetation.
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