Green Bay Travel Guide, Wisconsin
Green Bay city, the county seat of Brown County in the U.S. state of Wisconsin, is indeed a traveler’s delight. Located at the southern tip of the bay it has been named after, the city promises you all the pleasures of a modern tourist-hotspot. Go viewing the historical district or sit tight before a slot machine at a local casino, take a short trip to Lake Michigan or enjoy a comedy show – the choice will be all yours!
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Area: 140.7 sq km
Population: 103,750
Language: English
Currency: USD
With the Fox River dividing the city into two halves, the four bridges – Don Tilleman Bridge, Tower Drive Bridge, Walnut Street Bridge and Pay Nitschke Bridge – constructed across the river acquire special significance. Apart from the bridges, the Green Bay city has some other important buildings and edifices like the Neville Public Museum, the National Railroad Museum, the Bellin Hospital, Brown County (Wisconsin) Court House and the University of Wisconsin.
Infrastructure and Economy
Communication wise Green Bay scores remarkably high – it has its own airport, port, roadways and railway networks as well as its own mass transit system. The city airport, the Austin Straubel Airport is an international airport. Green Bay city is a part of prime railway networks and projects.
Since the city is an industrial center, special care is taken to keep the city ambiance clean and waste processing is done to take care of the hygiene-factor. Other than the sanitary sewers, the city has well-developed storm drainage systems. The economic standards of the city are quite high. It is a major manufacturing center for paper products, cheese, food products, dairy products, steel, auto parts and a lot more. Green Bay is a major petroleum storage center of Wisconsin.
People and Culture
The Green Bay area saw its first settlement as far back as 7000 BC. Besides these initial Native American cultures, Green Bay has witnessed the influx of people of various races and nations. But if we go on to generalize, it can be said that the majority of the Green Bay inhabitants are of European origin. The people here are predominantly Christians, with a remarkably large section of the population following the Roman Catholic faith. Protestants, Lutherans and followers of Islamic faith are also found in Green Bay.
When you talk of the city-dwellers special bonding with sporting activities, especially football, all these differences simply seem to vanish. In a way it can be said that the city has a sporting culture. Green Bay’s professional football team, Green Bay Packers, is a dominant presence in the NFL championships. With the maximum number of NFL titles (including the first two Super Bowls and Super Bowl XXXI), the Packers has given Green Bay huge recognition world-wide.
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