Green Bay History, Wisconsin
Green bay, WI US has an interesting history as it came into existence because it was a common meeting place for many travelers that settled here. La Baie des Puants was the name used for Green Bay, WI US but after a while, people referred to it as "La Baie Verte" which meant “sea of green”. Green Bay was populated even before Nicolet and French people explored this region. A renowned archaeologist of this region has proven that this place was the living ground for several cultures and racial groups before the advent of white race.
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Green Bay came into existence in 1838 and is now one of the major attractions in the United States of America. The city of Green Bay was made up of small towns such as Astor, Navarino, Borough Green Bay, Fort Howard and Fort Howard combined together. In the 1850s, immigrants including German, Belgian, Irish, Scandinavian and Dutch came to this place and settled because of the good soil and cheap land area. Historical records of Green Bay suggest that by 1850 it had a population of 1,923. This town was handed over to the British government in 1761 and became part of the US in 1783.
French and American settlers
It has been recorded that the first group of this region used to speak Siouan and was called Winnebagos. Charles de Langlade, who is known as the founder of Wisconsin was one of the first French settlers of this region. In 1765, Charles de Langlade shifted to Green Bay with his family and was followed by Lawes, Porliers and Grignons who brought a new culture in Green Bay called as Canadian-French culture. Then came the American settlers namely Martin, Whitney, Doty, Baird and Arndt who established Fort Howard in 1816. Fort Howard was built by the US army on the banks of Fox River in 1816.
Business and trade
The first paper mill of this place was built in 1895. Green Bay had plenty of rivers and timber resources and that was the premium reason why the paper industry emerged as the common source of employment for the population of this region. Business and trade boosted in this area after the establishment of the Northwestern Railroad Company and emergence of railroads in 1860s. By means of railways, import and export of manufacturing goods especially paper products started in this area.
General facts
The private school district of Green Bay was developed in 1856. “The Green Bay Intelligencer” which was the first newspaper of Wisconsin, was first published in Green Bay in 1833. Green Bay was consolidated with Town of Preble in the year 1964.
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