San Angelo History, Texas
The city of San Angelo is part of Texas, The United States of America, and also the county seat for Tom Green County. It is situated in the western central part of Texas. It is home to the famous Angelo State University, one of the best colleges in the state of Texas.
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The annual average temperature is around 18 degree Celsius. The annual average highest temperature is around 25 degree Celsius while the annual average lowest temperature is about 11 degree Celsius. The highest temperature ever recorded in this city was 44 degree Celsius, while the lowest temperature -20 degree Celsius, in December some years ago.
As per 2000 census the population of San Angelo was 88,500 inhabitants that were living in 34,000 houses. The total area of this city is around 151 kilometer square of which 4 percent is water. About 77 percent of the total population is White, 4.7 percent is African American, 0.7 percent is Native American, 0.95 percent is Asian, and the rest is of various races. The per capita income is around $17,000 which is fine but not as high as other cities of the US.
There are so many educational institutions that a major part of the city was tagged San Angelo Independent School District. Even a branch of Howard College is part of the city. Some small parts of the city are served by Grape Creek – Pulliam Independent School District and Wall Independent School District.
The presence of so many educational institutions helps the economy of San Angelo, as many locals work here. Also, due to these institutions many citizens from the rest of the country migrate ever year to San Angelo.
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