Lihue Sights and Landmarks Guide, Hawaii
The city of Lihue hasn’t started to attract huge number of tourists yet and that is why various Lihue Sights aren’t yet very famous in the neighboring regions either. But there are still some points worth visiting.
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Lihue Sights - Waimea Canyon
This Grand Canyon located in the pacific region of Lihue is one of the few beautiful natural tourist hot spots of this city. This huge canyon is around 10 miles long and has a width of around 1 mile. Lastly, the depth of this huge canyon is around 3600 feet. These statistics are enough to reflect the huge size of this canyon. It is one of the largest canyons in the country.
The canyon is famous not only due to its size but also due to the changing colors which can range from purple, blue, orange, and red. The canyon has many lookouts for you to enjoy the scenic beauty of the surrounding regions. It is a must visit natural tourist hot spot in Lihue.
Lihue Sights - Oahu & Kauai Air Tours
You might have visited many islands even Hawai and spent some time on them but have you every enjoyed the sight of these islands from the top? While you are in Lihue you must take some time out to fly over these neighboring islands as it will surely be a awesome experience for every tourist. The narration of the pilot will surely please you.
Lihue Sights - Kipu Ranch ATVs
This is another very famous natural tourist hot spot in the proximity of Lihue which increases the importance of Lihue. Kipu Ranch has also been featured in many Hollywood movies due to its scenic beauty. Before the start of any tour you will be taught to use ATVs. Do remember to wear your bathing suit as this place will also give you the chance to swim. They also offer delicious food in the middle of the tour.
Other then these natural tourist hot spots this city also has many other tourist attractions which haven’t yet been explored by many tourists.
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