Adana Travel Guide, Turkey
Adana, Turkey - Overview
Adana is a city with one of the widest ranging histories of any city currently in existence. There were so many different people involved in the making of the city with so many different influences that it is very much one of the most interesting cities to visit if you are a historical and cultural enthusiast.
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In addition to being a city rich with tradition, Adana is also the fourth largest city in the country of Turkey by population. It is mostly a place known for its agricultural importance, but with so many peoples having passed through Adana during the lifespan of the city, it is also quite easy to see where all of the history comes in. Despite being a town of many influences, the Adana of the present day is authentically Turkish and for that reason you will be able to see both the Turkish and the non-Turkish side of the city depending on where you choose to go.
In addition to the importance of agriculture, Adana is also important because of the many industrial sectors of the economy it supports. These sectors include things like the manufacturing of wool and textiles as well as the processing of food. When all of the output from these sectors is added together, Adana is a very significant chunk of the Turkish economy and for that reason it is a fantastic city to visit if you want to see how people in the country actually live and work. With tours of many of the agricultural hotspots of the city regularly available, it is certainly a great experience to have.
Everything that was mentioned above has academic or antique interest, but you should not take that to mean that Adana is not a modern city. It is very much a modern city with modern amenities. This is a fact that will be brought home to you the first time you sit in one of the fantastic air-conditioned restaurants and eat exotic Turkish food. It is a fact that will be brought home to you once again when you see how elegant and luxurious the average hotel room is in the city. Finally, you will also see how modern the city is when you take your family out for a stroll on the beach and see how people behave. Adana is that rare mix of old world charm and modern world freedom and this makes it a very special destination indeed.
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Petrus Grotto at Antakya
travel tip by Wazling posted more then 30 days ago
If you want to see one of the oldest churches of cristianity, then you should visit the church of the holy Petrus at Antakya. This place is about 196 Kilometers away from Adana, and in medieval times it was called Antiochia. All three...