Adana Sights and Landmarks Guide, Turkey
The city of Adana is very rich in cultural, historical and religious heritages. This city’s treasures can be seen through the vast collection of museums, ruins, and mosques. You just have to take time out to find out what is awaiting you in this place.
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When travelling around Adana, tourists should never fail to pay a visit to the different museums and ruins to discover the history and culture of the city and of the country as well. The city is proud of the following infrastructures found under this category.
Adana Archeological Museum. This museum was established in 1924. This museum does not only display ancient artifacts of Adana but it also has relics from other towns such as Mersin, Tarsus, Kahramanmaras and Gaziantep. Some religious objects are also exhibited in this museum.
Adana Ethnography Museum. This museum is located in the heart of the city. It was originally a church which was built by the Crusaders. It has exhibits of Cukurova Turkoman tribe antiques as well as Islamic stone traditions. In addition, the museum also displays items like Turkish carpets, tombstones, swords, and manuscripts.
Karatas Roman Ruins. This place shows the ruins of an ancient harbor city that was in existence during the Hellenistic and Roman era. One of the most magnificent sights here is the Bird paradise that can be seen on the Akyatan Lake.
Yumurtalik Ruins. This city ruins used to be one of the most populated areas in the first century B.C. Tourists can see the Ayas Castle, Marco Polo Portside, and Suleyman Tower in this city ruins.
Heiropolis - Kastabala Ruins. The ruin of Heiropolis was once a Roman city during the first century B.C. It has a castle ruin and graves. On the other hand, the Kastabala is where the glorious Temple of Artemis can be found.
Tourists can learn about the religious custom of Adana by visiting the different mosques in the city. Some of the places of worship popular to tourists and locals are:
Hoskadem Mosque. This mosque was built in 1448 by the Egyptian Monarchy. The architecture of the building is an authentic Mameluk style. The entrance has two colors and is constructed with a solid rock.
Ulu Mosque. This mosque was built in the 1500’s. The structure is made of soft stone. The threshold has large Arabic writings on it. Its minaret (mosque tower) has an octagon shape.
Sabanci Merkez Mosque. This is the biggest mosque in the country. It has six minarets. The exterior is somewhat similar to the Sultan Ahmed Mosque found in the city of Istanbul while the interior is reminiscent to the Selimive Mosque located in Edirne.
Going through the sights of Adana will make you return back to time and tradition. The city is proud of what its ancestors have left behind. You have to experience these attractions yourselves for you to relate it to the history of this wonderful Turkish city.
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