Reghin Sights and Landmarks Guide, Romania
Reghin, Sights - Museums and Memorial Houses
Every tourist visiting the main Reghin sights should not overlook the local museums. The city has two main museums which are visited by numerous locals and tourists every year: the Nature Sciences Museum and the Ethnography Museum. The Nature Sciences Museum has been founded by Stefan Kohl, and is located in the “Lucian Blaga” High school’s building. The museum houses about 1400 conserved animal species, presenting an important number of species from the country’s bird population, about 164 mammal species, 1000 animal scalps, 3600 bird, fish and reptile skeletons.
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The Ethnography Museum houses a rich scientific inheritance grouped in 49 collections among which the ethnography collection, the popular art one, the artistic creation one, archive collections and so on. Tourists can admire here different objects related to crafts, popular costumes and traditions from the Mures Valley, Gurghiu Valley and Transylvanian Plain, ceramics, glass painting and so on.
Reghin, Sights - Natural Attractions
Located on the shores of the Mures River, Reghin is a city full of green areas, parks and gardens, all perfect places to relax surrounded by nature. The natural landscape is dominated by two main attractions, the river banks and the Rotunda Forest, both offering all necessary conditions for tourists visiting these places. The Rotunda Forest is a green oasis in Reghin, a beautiful oak forest also declared a natural reserve and protected by law, the most popular place among locals for picnic trips, hiking and a heaven for birdwatchers. The river banks welcome visitors with numerous alleys shaded by tall chestnut trees and willows, the pleasant sound produced by the numerous birds and insects especially in summer.
Reghin, Sights - Culture and Arts
With such rich history, Reghin houses numerous old buildings, most of them architecture or art monuments of national importance. Among them the most significant are the Evangelic Church, the Saint Nicholas Wooden Church, the building housing the Ethnography Museum is also an architecture monument, built in 1892, the Roman Catholic Church and several old houses dating from the eighteen and nineteen century. The city also offers plenty of cultural events most of them housed by the local Culture House, Ethnography Museum, small art galleries and churches.
Reghin, Sights - Monasteries and Churches
One of the most impressive religious edifices in Reghin is the Evangelic Church, dating back to 1330 and offering tourists a beautiful sight of a gothic building with all characteristic features. For centuries the church’s 47m high tower has dominated the small hill from the center of the city. The church has a historical and artistic importance, due to the numerous gothic elements and frescoes found on both its exterior and interior walls. Other such buildings are the Reformed Church, built in the thirteen century, an Orthodox Church built in 1805 and the Wooden Church also Orthodox. The latter one is located at the periphery and dates back from 1744. The church’s structure is made of unvarnished timber and throughout time went through numerous changes, first in 1760 and so on until 1857. The building is an art monument, a living proof of the talent that carpenters and wood manufacturers had in those times. The interior is breathtaking, with numerous decorations carved in wood, old wood paintings made by a famous local artist in 1760 which can still be admired in several spots on the ceiling and altar.
Reghin, Sights – Theatres
Theatrical shows are held in Reghin in the local Culture House building because there is no theatre building in town, still numerous touring companies, local or from the nearby Targu Mures come here and organize great shows. The most present touring companies on the local stage are the “Ariel” Touring Company from Targu Mures, Targu Mures National Theatre and Reghin Popular Theater. Sometimes the audience is made up of children because several times a year special plays are performed for kids usually on special occasions, performances given by touring companies like “Ariel” Children’s Theatre or other.
If you have time feel free to visit Oradea and Baia Mare, two nearby cities that have a lot to offer interms of sights.
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