Cainta Nightlife, Philippines
Nightlife seems peculiar without any scenario of cars and jeeps beeping to the beat of energetic sound. Cainta has that certain ambience. More to it is a lively picture at the city piazza, the mega mall, hotels and restaurants.
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It’s going to be an evening jaunt with golfers and club hang-outers at the Valley Golf Country Club. It’s not just a tourist attraction but also a most celebrated spot where the elite and middle-class converge for sweet talks during the night. Just chilling with a glass of cold drink and some pica-pica, these golfers interact with walk-in guests to refresh their minds of what a wonderful day it’s been.
Give yourself a favor of experiencing Filipino traditional dining by heading to the Kamay Kainan inside Sta. Lucia Grand Mall. Although you usually eat with a spoon and fork, just try consuming food with your bare hands. You might want to give it a shot just to address your curiosity of how it feels. If you’re up for fried and grilled chicken, you can go to Bacolod Chicken House. Otherwise, you can just dine in Country style, Chowking or Greenwich if you want your food quickly served. If your craving is Filipino dishes, you can pick from the menu at Chef Islaw, but if it’s pizza and pasta that your stomach is growling about, you can just go to Don Henrico’s or Greenwich. These food outlets are just inside the shopping mall, so you have options to single out. When everybody’s done with supper, the night doesn’t rest yet. People usually hang around for brewed coffee, cappuccino, café latte, frozen iced tea or anything that completes your indulgence at Figaro Coffee Company. The famous Go Nuts Donuts and Dunkin Donuts are also flocked with donut-craving youngsters and party butterflies.
If any stress-reliever is what you want, it can be experienced at Good Life Reflex Zone in Sta. Lucia commercial complex. You might be feeling drained after a series of tours, so it is best to enjoy a pampering and therapeutic massage. If your energy is still enough to belt some tunes out, you can head to the Genie Magic KTV just upstairs before getting your spa service. Night fun can be either rejuvenating at Good Life or ecstatic at Genie Magic KTV. It doesn’t need to be as loud as it is in most disco bars you know. Clean, conservative and relaxing fun is still preferred by many.
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