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Bacarra Sights and Landmarks Guide, Philippines

Many tourists would usually expect a fun-filled itinerary to make it a worthwhile trip. Although a quiet place, Bacarra has something in store for everyone who wants to catch a sight.

Two of this town’s prided attractions are the Bacarra Church and Bacarra Bell Tower. This may trigger your curiosity to know the stories behind them and why they’re so interesting to visitors and historians. Both were constructed by the Spanish Augustinian Friars who taught the natives how to read and write. The earthquake in August 1983 struck it but the good news was that it was reconstructed and made nicer. They caught back the attention of many townsmen and the media a year after. The image of Bacarra’s patron saint San Andres can be found right in front of the X-shaped cross at the center.

Meanwhile, the Bell Tower is interesting for its antiqueness as it was built in 1830’s. Amazingly, it’s made of coral blocks and stucco that’s 50-meter tall and a three-storey structure with very thick walls. Alhough wrecked in 1931, it made a come-back and it is still maintained to appear at a good distance from the church.

The town proves its richness in terms of eco-tourism. Spots like the Bacarra River, Ruins of Vijia Watchtower, Calioet Beach and the Capitol Park are well-visited by not only Filipinos, but selected Asians and American visitors from various states. To capture more eco-tourism spots, the Department of Tourism is proposing more projects as: Natba Beach and Delta Tourism Area, Corocor-Cabulalaan Eco-Tourism Area or Co-Ca River and Libtong-Teppang Irrigation Tunnel. Historical spots of Lazo Ancestral Home and the so-dubbed “The Blue House” (the Municipal Hall) shape up a rich heritage.

Because the town is rich in farming and fishing, cultural festivities are celebrated: the Bac-Bacarra Festival in November and Farmer’s Festival in May. When coincidentally traveling during these months, these colorful parades of costumes and street dancing should be in your what-to-see list. Balloons, cultural accessories, delicacies, hats, shirts and other souvenir items will be made available.

Here’s a big catch this July 2008: In celebration of the town mayor Nico de la Cruz’s birthday, a must-see mass wedding is to be held. Love must be spread all over town.

If you’ve never witnessed any mass wedding or perhaps a farmer’s festival, then Bacarra should be your next destination. It’s amazing to be able to address your curiosity and spread how great these celebrations are.

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