Nagpur Travel Guide, India
As per the census conducted in the year of 2001 for India, Nagpur happens to be the largest city within Central India and it also grabs the second position in terms of population in the state of Maharashtra, India. Nagpur also grabs the thirteenth largest spot in terms of urban population when compared to all other cities of the country. Its current urban population is around 242000. This huge urban population has given it 143rd spot in terms of urban inhabitant count on the International level. This is an achievement that the government of Nagpur might not want to party for.
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The geographical center and the famous Zero line marker are located in Nagpur itself. These two features have made Nagpur an important city on the tourist map of India. Zero line marker is something which you will never find in other famous cities of this planet.
History says that the foundation of the city of Nagpur was laid by the Gond People and later the city was captured by the Marathas. Under the rule of Bhonsles of Maratha Empire, Nagpur progressed quickly in terms of trade. Soon the British East India Company suppressed the Maratha Empire and captured the city somewhere in 19th century. British rulers were quick to make Nagpur the capital of Berar and Central Provinces due to its rich trading industry.
After the Indian Independence Nagpur lost the capital city status (as it was nowhere near Mumbai in terms of business opportunities) but it has always been considered as the second capital of Maharashtra due to its political importance.
The political importance of Nagpur can be guess from the various movements and the presence of political organizations in the city. The famous Dalit Buddhist movement took place in Nagpur itself. Some famous and very active Hindu political organizations like VHP and RSS have their governing offices in Nagpur too.
In terms of travel map, Nagpur is located at a place where the road, air, and rail of East to West and North to South cross each other. This makes Nagpur a hotspot.
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