Aligarh Map, India
If you feel like you need some help to find your way in your destination city, you are in the right place. This Aligarh Map will certainly help you to seek out the best restaurants, clubs and sights in town. You want to know what is the best place for a walk? Or what you should be watching out for during your visit? Learn more about the best things to do in the city reading our travel tips and then get around in Aligarh with Travelgrove's map. While searching for places, you can also check some cheap flights or deals or you can take a look at our user's galleries about the city. We hope you will find our city map of Aligarh useful. Enjoy your trip and come back to share your travel experience about Aligarh!
Aligarh History
Famous by the name of University City in the educational field and by the name of City of Locks on the economical front, Aligarh is an important city for India on national as well as on International level. Almost every lock making company of India and many foreign lock making companies have their firms in Aligarh and this makes Aligarh in important center for lock manufacturing Industry. Situated on the G. T. Road... read moreAligarh Sightseeing
Aligarh is very famous amongst tourist for namkeens and sweets (both happen to be famous snacks in India and have important position in India’s culture) that the city offers. Famous and old shops like Khyaliram’s and Kunjilal’s etc. are the cities leader in sweets market. Similarly, the famous Babboo and Dabboo are the leaders of namkeen market. read moreAligarh Travel Guide
The city (like the rest of Uttar Pradesh) experiences hot climate. Winter arrives in the month of December and stays in the city till the month of January. Temperature during the winter season ranges from 15 degrees to 12.2 degree Celsius. Summer starts somewhere in the month of May and lasts till the end of June. Average temperature during the summer season is around 32 degree Celsius. read moreThings about Aligarh you may be interested in
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