Tegucigalpa Nightlife, Honduras
Tegucigalpa lies in the Southern part of the beautiful Honduras, in the Francisco Morazàn province. Francisco Morazàn was a native of Honduras and served as the President of Central America in the year 1830-1840. Tegucigalpa is city that buzzes with numerous activities. Each year thousands of tourists visit the town to enjoy the various attractions.
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The nightlife is thoroughly enjoyable and you can take advantage of various options.
There are two main casinos in Tegucigalpa - Casino Royale and Video cafeteria El Palacio. The Casino Royale is the only proper casino that is situated in the most fashionable Maya Hotel. The casino provides you with thrilling games. The significant feature of the casino is that no Honduran can play in it. Only foreigners are allowed to play. Therefore, in case you want to try your luck in the gambling world of Maya Hotel, you must carry your ID.
Video cafeteria El Palacio has numerous slot machines and attracts people who are not into serious gambling and enjoy some light entertainment
Living up to the Honduran tradition, the city has some discotheques. El Nilo Ai Kap Bar flaunts its Egyptian décor with a monumental Nile flowing right in the middle of the disco. The disco offers about 220 seats and is opened from Wednesday to Saturday. The bar has an exotic menu but the snack menu is small. Once again, it will be a wise idea if you carry your IDs with you in case you wish to visit this disco.
Bambu is yet another great disco located at the Boulevard Morazan.
Tegucigalpa boasts of many bars. Bar Napoc, located in the Hotel Marriot is very hip.You can find a huge variety of alcohol on its racks. The signature feature of the bar is the large screen which allows you visualize the latest happenings in the sports world.
El Mirador is located in the popular Hotel Maya. This is frequented by many people as along with the bar the Hotel offers a discotheque too.
If you want to taste the local bocas, then Bar Scenario is the place to visit. Along with an international selection of liquor, the bar offers a great appetizer menu.
Apart from these Rojo Verde y Ajo, Ruby Tuesday, Fridays, Bar Iguana Rana, Taco Taco and El Cabildo Bar are other bars that you can visit.
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