Besancon Travel Guide, France
The city of Besançon is the capital city for the traditional province of France namely Franche - Comté. The city of Besançon is also the capital city for Doubs Department of France. A department is France is just like a county in United States of America.
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The city of Besançon is around 325 kilometers from the city of Paris (which is also the capital city of France), around 125 kilometers away from Lausanne (which is part of Switzerland), around 100 kilometers away from the city of Dijon (which is part of Burdungy), and around 100 kilometers from the city of Belfort (which is also part of Franche - Comté).
The altitude for the city of Besançon is around 250 meters and the famous Mount Saint - Etienne is located on the southern side of the city. The height for this mountain is around 370 meters. The city of Besançon is also surrounded by 6 more mountain ranges which have the height ranging between 400 meters and 500 meters.
The annual average temperature for the city of Besançon is around 10 degree Celsius and the annual average rainfall for the city of Besançon is around 90 millimeters. The months of July and August are amongst the hottest days in the city of Besançon while the months of December and January are the coldest months in the city of Besançon. The highest temperature ever recorded in the city of Besançon was 39 degree Celsius which had occurred somewhere in the year of 1983. Similarly the lowest temperature ever recorded in the city of Besançon was around - 21 degree Celsius which had occurred somewhere in the year of 1985.
The population for the city of Besançon was around 118000 inhabitants as per the census of year 1999. You will be surprised to know that the population for the city of Besançon was around 120000 inhabitants which reflect that the population for this city has gone down considerably in last many years.
The level of education in the city of Besançon has grown considerably in last couple of years. As of today the Universite - de - Franche Corte is one of the best universities on the national level and has around 20000 students that have enrolled in different courses which are being run by the university.
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