travelgrove Reviews

Bratislava, Slovakia

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adam's pictureby adam review
added on 5th of February, 2015

Bratislava is the capital of Slovakia, one of the 4 capitals in Central Europe where the Danube flows through, near the border of both Austria and Hungary, 80 km from Vienna and 200 km from Budapest.

The city is prominent for it's Old town, it's nightlife, the picturesque view of the Danube river, the bridge with it's UFO restaurant, the Castle, and it's Cathedral (St Michael's)

The Slovakian cuisine is well known and considerable, and an example is bryndzove halusky, which is one of the nations dishes.

- The city offers you excellent nightlife, filled with many bars and clubs with light hearted and gregarious locals. Generally cheap and budget friendly, it is very accesible for every type of visitor, offering not only amazing views and architecture, but also offers you a lot when it comes to service and leisure.


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