What to see in Hague, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Reviews > Europe > Netherlands > Amsterdam > What to see in Hague
Hague is the capital of South Holland, here is the government seat of the Netherlands. The importance of the city began to grow in the XIV th century when they were transferred here the Supreme Judicial Courts of the Provinces of Holland and Zeeland. At the end of the XVI century the royal court moved to The Hague because of Nassau Mauriciu chose this city as capital.
Hague received the city status in 1806 of Louis's, brother of Napoleon Bonaparte, because this cause Hague it had the nickname "the largest village in Europe".
In downtown can visit the following buildings: the Mauritshuis Museum, the Binnenhof Administrative Center Building, the Grote Kerk Church, Park Haag Bos, the Knights Castle, and others.
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Amsterdam doesn’t only make you addicted to its landmarks and people, but it also give you the feeling that you can no longer continue your life without drinking the aromatic coffees that its coffee bars have to offer. Once tasted, you get the addiction for life! In order to supply yourself with these soft drugs, you can visit Trinity coffee shop. This bar is cheap and clean, the music played here is nice and for those who like to enjoy their stay in a fresh atmosphere, there is a separate non-smoking room. The services are excellent, the staff is really helpful and friendly and the atmosphere relaxing.... Read more »
Recent reviews for Amsterdam
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Biking in Amsterdam is not only a great experience, but it's also practical. There are many advantages relating about biking in Amsterdam First of all, you can acces all areas of the city, where cars are forbidden. This makes the city... Read more »
Quick facts about Amsterdam - Apr 30, 2009, by cipristb
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