Quick facts about Amsterdam, Netherlands
Reviews > Europe > Netherlands > Amsterdam > Quick facts about Amsterdam
Amsterdam is one of the two capitals of the Netherlands, being the official capital of the Netherlands. It is assumed that the year in which the Netherlands has received the city rights (from the Bishop of Utrecht Guy Avesnes) is 1306. The XIV th century is the century in wich Amsterdam was blooming and in 1345 became a city of pilgrimage until the people have turned to Protestantism.
However the gold era of this city was considered the XVII th century, when was ranked through the richest cities in the world After this period a decline followed, due to the wars with England and France, but the situation has improved since 1815.
The main places to visit in Amsterdam are the Royal Palace, the Van Gogh Museum, the Netherlands National Museum, the Mu
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What to see in Hague
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Amsterdam History
During the 17th and 18th century, people from all over the world immigrated to this amazing place. This is the reason why the official institutions were represented by immigrants of all cultures. This has lead to the apparition of the bubonic plague, which is supposed to have come from Algiers. The number of population decreased and Amsterdam began to lose its status as a staple market as fewer and fewer investors came in. The next century saw a decline in the prosperity of this city, because of the attacks England and France made on Netherlands. However, with the establishment of the Kingdom of Netherlands, the situation started to improve.... Read more »
Recent reviews for Amsterdam
The Biking Amsterdam - Feb 4, 2015, by adam
Biking in Amsterdam is not only a great experience, but it's also practical. There are many advantages relating about biking in Amsterdam First of all, you can acces all areas of the city, where cars are forbidden. This makes the city... Read more »
Amsterdam,The Netherlands - Feb 3, 2015, by adam
The Netherlands is by far one of Europes most gripping country. It has a rich history and I visited Amsterdam for a week. I can tell you that the city is not only pure charm and excitment, but it is also out of common and it's too... Read more »
What to see in Hague - Apr 30, 2009, by cipristb
Hague is the capital of South Holland, here is the government seat of the Netherlands. The importance of the city began to grow in the XIV th century when they were transferred here the Supreme Judicial Courts of the Provinces of Holland... Read more »
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