Kilronan Reviews, Ireland
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Recent reviews for Kilronan
Exeptional landscape in Kilronan - Apr 3, 2009, by Wazling
The Aaron Islands consist of three separate Islands. The biggest one you should really visit. There's a smaller town at the ferry stop, where you can get accomodation, go shopping or visit a bar. The nature is exceptional and you can... Read more »
Recommended Shannon Guide
Shannon History
Shannon proved to be the most suitable pit stop when travelling across the Atlantic. This is one of the reasons why, in 1947, Shannon was launched as the primary Duty Free Airport by the Customs Free Airport Act. Duty Frees from all over the world shaped their facilities after that of Shannon’s. On the same year, the Shannon airport was finished and opened its services to the world. From the 1950s up to the turn of the century, Shannon focused its development in free zoning, infrastructures, and free ports. It grew in terms of industrialization and technology. However, this advancement in technology and infrastructure brought problems... Read more »
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