Beautiful landscape in Rheinbrohl, Germany
Reviews > Europe > Germany > Rheinbrohl > Beautiful landscape in Rheinbrohl
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Wiesbaden History
After the Holy Roman Empire was dissolved, the Nassau-Usingen and Nassau-Weilburg counties joined in the Confederation of the Rhine. On August 30, 1806 the two counties united to establish the Duchy of Nassau. After that the duchy joined the German Confederation, then the capital of Nassau was shifted from Weilburg to Wiesbaden. During the War of Austro-Prussia, Nassau helped out Austria. This ended the duchy. Because of Austria’s defeat, Nassau became a part of Prussia. The following years proved to be beneficial to Wiesbaden as it was shaped into an administrative seat, convention city, and a spa.... Read more »
Recent reviews for Rheinbrohl
Short visit in Munich - Jul 6, 2010, by asterix
We just spent about one and half day in Munich to visit the best places in the city and to see how is life in a such a big city. The city is really beautiful but for me is really agglomerated. We just spent about 3 hours to find the street... Read more »
Useful info about Berlin - May 1, 2009, by erato
One fact about Berlin, Germany: the 70% of the city stands of forest. So Berlin is one of the cleanest and most beautiful cities of the world, with a lot of parks and threes even in the center, what gives an unbeatable, calm and comfortable... Read more »
Sie müssen wissen über Ulm - Jun 27, 2009, by mary
Wo liegt Ulm? Ulm ist eine Universitätsstadt in Baden- Wüttemberg. Ulm liegt an der Donau, ein großer Fluss und südöstlich am Rand der Schwäbischen Alb. Die Stadt hat über 120 000 Einwohner. Ulm ist die... Read more »
Cologne, the city of Roman ruins - Apr 30, 2009, by Wazling
Cologne is one of the oldest cities in germany and nice to look at. There you can barely see history in every part of the normal life. A lot of ancient roman buildings are partly preserved and can still be seen. Also a great historic museum... Read more »
Ravensburg Erlebnis - Jul 28, 2009, by Victoria
Ravensburg hat ja soooooooo viele Türme tja aber Vietsburg hört sich nicht gerade nach Turm an oder es ist ja auch kein Turm sondern wirklich eine alte burg.Das Welfen hat diese Burg gebaut um eine Stadt zu gründen denn alle... Read more »
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