What to visit in Dresden, Germany
Reviews > Europe > Germany > Dresden > What to visit in Dresden
The Zwinger Palace is located in the city of Dresden, Germany. The construction took place in the year 1709 and was originally made of wood and served as the amphitheater for the knights contests on the handling of weapons or other entertainment for the Saxon royal court. Between 1710 and 1719, under the command of King August the Hard took place the reconstruction of the palace using the stone so like it looks nowdays. The desire was to outsmart the King's Palace of Versailles wich was a great and luxury Palace.
In 1945, at the end of the Second World War, the Zwinger Palace was seriously damaged, but it was built with the help of city residents. Inside the palace we can visit 4 rooms, each filled with works of art and the gallery of paintings, paintings of the artist Raphael, Rubens, Canaletto.
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Dresden History
During the time of Frederick Augustus I (17th century), elector and ruler of Saxony, many European musicians, painters, and architects gathered in Dresden. This indicated the start of Dresden’s distinction as the chief European city for art and technology. When the Napoleonic Wars broke, Napoleon made Dresden the chief of operations. In 1849, the German Revolutions erupted and again, Dresden was the center of the Uprising causing great damage to the historic town. With industrialization, Dresden became a chief hub of economy. With this, its population rose from 95,000 in 1849 to 396,000 in 1900.... Read more »
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