Daydream Laguna Resort, Surigao, Philippines
Travel tips > Oceania & Australasia > Philippines > Surigao > Daydream Laguna Resort
- General travel tip
- City center
Luxury Riverside Accommodation and Teppanyaki Restaurant
• Indulge your senses and escape from the everyday stresses of reality in our relaxing outdoor cabanas.
• Enjoy a massage, manicure or pedicure from one of our friendly trained staff.
• Lose yourself in an array of amazing activities.
• Snorkel, view colorful coral and tropical fish.
• Tantalize your taste buds with different experiences at our Teppanyaki Restaurant or A-la-carte and enjoy the most beautiful scenery and wonderful atmosphere, including spectacular sunsets.
• Or just bathe in a haven of peaceful tranquility.
The choice is yours!
Join us and indulge...
How to get there!
heaven is only minutes away...
Daydream Laguna Resort is located in a beautiful River area in the heart of Day-Asan and just 15 minutes from the airport and city. Luxury mini bus and boat transfer you to and from the resort - where you can holiday to your heart's content or totally relax and truly experience the Daydream Laguna way of life.
Phone: +63 8623 16579 | Fax: +63 8623 16428 | Mobile: +63 92094 74816,
+639175826576,+639175826548, +639175826584,DIRECT ASTRALIAN NO. +617 31668463
P-4 Brgy, Day-Asan
Surigao City 8400, Philippines
Thank you so much!
You have very interesting and educational site.
Brgy. Day-Asan Surigao City 8400 Philipines
From 2,500 to 15,000 room accommodations,
Opening Hours:
How to get there:
Daydream Laguna Resort is located in a beautiful River area in the heart of Day-Asan and just 15 minutes from the airport and city. Luxury mini bus and boat transfer you to and from the resort - where you can holiday to your heart's content or totally rel

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