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Albany Sights and Landmarks Guide, New York

Albany, NY US - Sights: Snapshots Of The Wonderful Sights In Albany

Albany is a city for all. It has everything one would expect for having a wonderful time when on a vacation. The city is famous for its historical heritage and modern lifestyle.

Albany Institute of History and Art

Albany Institute of History & Art is undoubtedly Albany’s best and one of the oldest in the United States. It is even older than the Louvre in Paris. Through the beautiful works of the local artists, the museum presents the history of Albany and the Hudson River. The collections include furniture, sculpture, 5 centuries of paintings and decorative arts. Paintings by Thomas Schole are also displayed here. The colonial gallery has paintings, artifacts and furnishings, which narrate the story of the Dutch settlement almost four centuries ago. The Egyptian galleries even feature mummies and priests that date back to 304 B.C.

Empire State Plaza

Empire State Plaza is one of the most distinctive features of Albany. The official name of the plaza is Governor Nelson A. Rockefeller Plaza. Governor Nelson A. Rockefeller was the man, who took charge of the project in 1962. The centre is occupied by a spherical Performing Arts centre, as famous as the Egg. Flanked by the New York State Capitol, New York State Museum, Coming tower and the Agency building, it is displayed to the public as a beautiful plaza. Collections include sculptures of war and other memorials. The plaza keeps on scheduling festivals, concerts, musical shows and fireworks that draw a huge number of residents.

Historic Cherry Hill

Historic Cherry Hill is owned by the state and presents a very interesting historic lesson narrated through Putnam and Reseller family, who occupied it for almost 200 years.

Hudson River Way

Hudson River Way was opened in 2002. It is a pedestrian bridge, which connects Corning Preserve Park to Downtown. On the lamppost are paintings, which depict the heritage and history of the city. Two murals also stand on the staircase landings.

New York State Capitol

New York State Capitol was the seat of the state government of New York since 1880. The agency building and the empire plaza stand around it. It took $25 million and 3 decades to construct this non-steel reinforcement building. The Great Western Staircase, which cost $1 million, has elaborate stonework of the city. 

New York State Executive Mansion

New York State Executive Mansion was constructed in 1856 as a banker’s home. This Governor’s Mansion was remodeled after 5 years. Famous residednts included F. D. Roosevelt and T. Roosevelt. It is the also the current governor’s official residence.

The snapshots of these wonderful sights in Albany are not enough for you to know them. You’ll have to visit them to understand their excellence.

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