Fairbanks Sights and Landmarks Guide, Alaska
Fairbanks Sights have become very famous due to the huge number of natural as well as historical tourist hot spots that are part of this city. The government of Fairbanks has worked very hard in order to improve the standards of tourism in this city and results are clearly visible. In this travel guide for Fairbanks Sights we will enlist some of the many tourist attractions what you must visit whenever you are in this city.
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Fairbanks Sights - Dragon House
Dragon House is actually the place where the annual Ice Art Championship is organized. This championship attracts many people from around the planet. People carve various structures from ice thus attracting a lot of attendees. This competition is organized every year in March which is actually the summer season for Fairbanks. It sounds weird but it is true that the ice competition is organized during the summer season. We suggest you visit this place after the sun sets as the original beauty of this place comes up once it’s dark.
Fairbanks Sights - Georgeson Botanical Garden
This is one of the very famous tourist attractions of Fairbanks that is located in the UAF Area. This is the place where you get the chance to enjoy a variety of plants all growing in one single place. You can also learn various cultivation techniques from the authorities of this garden. Lastly, you can admire the awesome wildlife of this garden and also enjoy the sight of Giant Vegetables of Alaska that are actually famous around the planet.
Fairbanks Sights - Dog Mushing Museum
This is one of the rarest museums in this planet considering the fact that you will hardly find any dog related museums anywhere around the world. It is located inside the Historical City Hall of Fairbanks and has the Community Museum of Fairbanks in its proximity thus giving the chance to visitors to enjoy two museums under one roof. This dog mushing museum has many dog sleds, and various other equipments that are used during dog mushing.
Fairbanks Sights - Aurora Borealis
Although most of Alaska is worth visiting during the summer season, if you happen to visit this city during winter then this is the place to be once the sun sets. You will surely love the beautiful auroras in this city of Fairbanks during the winter seasons.
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