Kiev Nightlife, Ukraine
Nightlife in Kiev is rife and bustles till early morning hours. As a major business center, Kiev commands some unique and outstanding nightclubs, casinos, strip tease clubs, discos, great restaurants and above all, a romantic atmosphere in the city's central arena. Even during harsh winter nights, a visitor to Kiev can sight hundreds of couples embracing and walking hand in hand all over the main streets. Here is a city with peculiar romantic settings for all lovers enjoying some exotic moments and strolling in pairs intimately. Night life in Kiev attracts thousands of lovers having a great time till dawn.
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Kiev's city center is the heart of all activity. Night life revolves around the Independence Square and Khreschatyk, the main street with wide sidewalks and thousands of old chestnut trees, is a common meeting place for thousands of lovers strolling romantically or just sitting close in pairs on street side benches. Here is a great outdoor party place busy with thousands of locals and visitors enjoying good moments in nearby restaurants, nightclubs and outdoor cafes.
Kiev city center boasts hundreds of cafes, restaurants and three malls. On weekends and holidays, all these main streets are permanently closed to traffic. Kiev's city center is considered by many to be among the safest cities in the world. A resident tourist gladly confides that he had been living in Kiev for over three years and hadn't encountered any problems during his tenure. Night life in Kiev is an attractive tourist magnet.
Kiev has some of Europe's best discos and strip tease clubs. Following are some of the most famous ones. Probably the best disco in Kiev is the Cocktail Bar '111'. This elegant disco has a rotating bar right in its center. Here you can experience a great atmosphere with some of the wildest nightly parties ever found anywhere. Tuesday nights are ideal for those on budget as everyone will thrill at the ensuing popcorn throwing fights that erupt all night. You will enjoy some real moments lasting forever. Freedom disco is a new, ultra modern entertainment complex. This is a place for really impressing your date by dropping around some cash. It also includes a casino, a strip club and has plenty of VIP rooms. Night life in Kiev is ranked among Europe's best.
Yet another of Kiev's nightly attractions and an expensive one is the Gold Cup. This disco has a second floor restaurant while the first one commandeers a Spanish disco and bar. Here you can treat yourself grandiosely by just dropping some money to your friends' or even your date's complete satisfaction. Both the food and service is excellent, however, the coffee is just another wonder.
Night life in Kiev boasts one of Europe's strip shows. The Cabaret is one of the best and its beauties are a must see attraction. On weekends, ladies are admitted for free. Dynamo Lux Disco merrily combines club and restaurant traditions together. You'll find stylish people dancing to lively disco sounds. The Millennium is Kiev's newest opening. Since its January 2008 opening, it has gained widespread popularity among professional strippers. It is widely believed that many of Kiev's strip tease artists come to the Millennium to cheer and applaud their strip colleagues. Night like in Kiev has an abundance of highly rated nightclubs and discos with world renowned popularity.
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