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Donetsk Sights and Landmarks Guide, Ukraine

The city of Donetsk is a famous tourist hot spot due to the touch of World War and the Russian culture which it presents in its various aspects. You will surely love the Russian architecture and touch in the lifestyle of its locals. You can also enjoy different sights which will help you understand the intensity of World War II and how seriously it had affected the city. Its population was reduced by around 80 percent due to the war.

Firstly, we would suggest you start your trip by walking around the famous Pushkin Boulevard. Be assured that this boulevard will truly make you forget that you are in an industrial city. It is around 2 kilometers in length and every section is full of natural beauty which will make your stay memorable. You should start from behind the famous Russian Drama Theater and end up walking till the historical Shevchenko monument. This way you will be able to enjoy the sight of two very beautiful historical monuments which reflect the architecture of those years and also be able to enjoy the beauty of nature on the way.

Czar Cannon is a must watch for history lovers. Actually this Czar Cannon is the complete copy of the real cannon which stands in Moscow. It was presented by the Russian government to the locals of Donetsk Basin to mark the strong bond of friendship that prevails between Ukraine and Russia. It stands in Artyom Street, which is actually the central street of Donetsk.

Another tourist attraction you must visit is the Coalminers Square, situated at the very beginning of the University Street. It houses the uniquely built coalminer’s monument and a newly built chapel. You can also enjoy the sight of the busy traffic from this square and spend some time with your friends.

Another important historical monument you must visit is the Archangel St. Michael which was built in Kiev and brought to Donetsk. It has been tagged a symbol that resembles the Ukrainian Renaissance.

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