Vitoria-gasteiz Map, Spain
If you feel like you need some help to find your way in your destination city, you are in the right place. This Vitoria-gasteiz Map will certainly help you to seek out the best restaurants, clubs and sights in town. You want to know what is the best place for a walk? Or what you should be watching out for during your visit? Learn more about the best things to do in the city reading our travel tips and then get around in Vitoria-gasteiz with Travelgrove's map. While searching for places, you can also check some cheap flights or deals or you can take a look at our user's galleries about the city. We hope you will find our city map of Vitoria-gasteiz useful. Enjoy your trip and come back to share your travel experience about Vitoria-gasteiz!
Vitoria-gasteiz Travel Guide
Vitoria-gasteiz has always been an important stop on a communication road system connecting the city with the capital, Madrid and further with other large European cities. You can travel here by air arriving on Vitoria-Gatseiz Airport, located a few kilometers away from the city and then transfer by bus, car or taxi. If you arrive from inland then you can also choose to travel by train or by bus, both offering reliable... read moreVitoria-gasteiz Sightseeing
Plaza de la Virgen Blanca. The plaza is surrounded by posh houses which have arches and glass galleries. The centerpiece monument memorializes Duke of Wellington’s triumph over Napoleon’s troop. Tourists can have a meal at the Cafeteria de la Virgen Blanca located on the top-left corner of the plaza. This place is famous for its giant wooden floorboards. read moreVitoria-gasteiz Nightlife
Bar El Golpe. This place belongs to the group of bars that is known as the Ruta de la Zapa. The bar is quite small and is usually jam-packed. But the place allows guests to take their drinks outside. The bestseller drink is the Cuba Libre which is consisted of rum and coke. It is open until 4 in the morning. read moreThings about Vitoria-gasteiz you may be interested in
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