Dakar Sights and Landmarks Guide, Senegal
After you have enjoyed the night life of this wondrous city and learned from its history, it’s time to devour your sense of adventure with the city’s wide array of sceneries and activities.
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Île de Gorée or Goree Island is considered as the smallest district in Dakar however, it has the largest fort that has served as a crucial transit for economic trade and not for slave trade. Originally, it was earlier settled by Europeans during the 15th century to explore the island and defend against invaders. No natives have settled on the island because of lack of natural source of water which made the island rather perfect place for a construction of large forts. The island houses a historical museum that presents the slave trade horrors, events and tools used on the prisoners. It is known as the House of Slaves found along other old homes of prisoners of the past.
The Grand Mosque of Dakar is Dakar’s most important building that holds the religious richness of the city. The building was designed by both the Moroccan and French architects which later on became most of the Islam mosques’ model. Its square minaret measures about 67 meters and first opened in 1964. Near the mosque one of the major venue for Islamic teaching and research called Institut islamique de Dakar is tilted since 1974.
In 2004, they opened a new library for visitors and locals alike. The Church Square is located in the center of South Africa’s administrative division and as well as in the center of the city. Taken as one of the longest straight street in the world, the Church Strret stretches for twenty six kilometers through the square.
After Pretoria was established in 1860 as the seat of Transvaal government, more government buildings were built around the square. The government building is also referred to as “Raadzaal”. Today stores and restaurants are tilted and flourish the big area of the city. A statue of President Kruger can be found in the middle of the square guarded by four other bronze statues that are said to represent the burghers from the Kruger regime.
Aside from the above sites, you can explore and experience the street life in Dakar and try visiting some of its interesting and crazy markets. These markets can offer you exotic selections of market items that also come in various prices. This is where exciting trading is done and you can watch the everyday transactions of market buyers, sellers and even the by-standers.
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