Nacala Travel Guide, Mozambique
Nacala Overview, Mozambique -: Site of World Heritage
Nacala is situated in the northern coast of Mozambique and is known to be the deepest natural port on the eastern coast of the African continent. In ancient times, Mozambique Island was the capital of Mozambique. The city has now reformed as a World Heritage Site.
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Nacala Climate
The tropical climate of this province is ideal for mango plantation on a large scale. Generally, the climate of Nacala is cooler in highlands. Two main seasons prevail in this region: the rainy season, which occurs usually from November to May and the dry season that takes place between May and November.
Nacala People
Ninety percent of the population in Nacala lives in rural areas. They are entirely dependent on agriculture. The average growth age has decreased from 2.6% to 1.7%. Life expectancy of 42 in is the lowest because of the impact of HIV/AIDS.
Nacala Arts
Many cultural events take place throughout the week of the Independence Day, which falls on June 25. The National exhibition of Visual Arts and fashion shows also takes place in the city.
Nacala Festival
The independence day of Nacala is celebrated every year on June 25. The grand festival commences with the President addressing to a huge mass. It is followed by the choirs, music, poetry and traditional dance of Nacala.
Nacala Culture
Many ethnic groups prevail among the people in Nacala. Some of them are Chewa, Nyanja, Tumbulo, Yao, Sena, Tonga, Asian, European and Ngonde. The population mostly comprises of Christians and Muslims. The official languages of the people in the city are Chichewa and English.
Nacala Economy
Although agriculture is the major source of income in Nacala, the result of agriculture purely depends on good rainfall. Tobacco is the main exported product. Coffee, cotton, groundnuts and sunflower seeds are also exported to other countries. Apart from agriculture, forestry and fishing also accounts for Nacala’s economy.
Nacala Transport
Transportation of goods took place through the ports of Nacala and Beira, but in the early 1990s the Mocambican civil war disturbed these trade routes. As a result, the traffic in the city was forced to reroute through South Africa. Lately, the routes through Nacala and Beira have been steadily increasing with additional security. However, Road transport in the city is very poorly developed.
Nacala Accommodations
Nacala has the best beach locations in the nearby areas, which attracts many tourists. For accommodation facilities, numerous hotels and inns are present nearby.
Nacala is a site of World Heritage. Paying a visit here will surely offer you the relaxation you need.
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