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Monaco History, Monaco

It is said about Monaco, one of the smallest countries in the world that any of its citizens can walk cross-country in less than an hour. Located in southern France, near Nice and Cannes, and close to the Italian border, this city-state (officially named the Principality of Monaco) is widely known for its wealthy residents and for the Monte Carlo resort. Monaco history goes back to immemorial times, and it is often spiced with myths and legends.

Monaco History - Hercules and the Ligurians

The Greek historians mention Monaco as a Ligurian settlement – Ligurinas were an Indo-European tribe of warriors who settled in Province and Liguria. In Antiquity, Monaco was often associated with the figure of the Greek hero Hercules. It is said that Hercules opened the first route to follow the Mediterranean coast from Italy to Spain. Because it sheltered a Herculean temple, the city was named 'Monoikos' - from 'Heracles Monoikos' (gr. name for Hercules + the sintagm 'single house'). Hercules' steps were later followed by another legendary figure: Julius Caesar himself embarked from The Rock of Monaco port during his Greek campaign.

Monaco History - Middle Ages

From 1215 until 1489 (when the King of France recognized its independence), Monaco was under Genovese rule. In 1927, Francesco Grimaldi, a nobleman from Genoa nicknamed “the Cunning One”, infiltrated into the fortress disguised as a Franciscan monk, thus leading his men to victory. The Grimaldi family took control over the fortress and managed to stay in power, with short intermittences, for several centuries. The most remarkable member of the Grimaldi family was Charles, who managed to re-conquer Monaco in 1331 and increase its surface by acquiring the neighboring areas. Soon after the French Revolution, Monaco was captured by the revolutionaries: it only regained its independence in 1814. Although Monaco’s suzerainty was more than once recognized by the kings of France, France continued to exercise protectorate over Monaco. In 1911, under Prince Albert I, Monaco became a constitutional monarchy.

Monaco History - Monaco in the 20th Century

In 1956, another legendary event marked Monaco’s history: Prince Reiner III married American actress Grace Kelly, in a ceremony that captured the attention of the entire world. A new constitution, proclaiming women's right to vote and abolishing the capital punishment was adopted in 1962. The Franco-Monegasque relations were once again stipulated by the 2002 treaty, which specifies that Monaco will remain independent in case the prince has no hires and that France is still responsible for Monaco's military defense. The current sovereign of Monaco is Prince Albert II, son of Prince Reiner III, who died in 2005.

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