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Skopje Travel Guide, Macedonia

Skopje, nestled in the heart of Macedonia, is a living historical relic, a cultural melting pot that stands witness to the country’s tormented past. Skopje is Macedonia’s most diverse city that was inhabited by many invading nations since ancient times. It was a flourishing community since the times of the Romans, and since the period of Macedonia’s most emblematic figure, Alexander the Great, it has passed though the hands of the Ottomans, and Slavic nations. Nowadays Skopje is a modern city that still shows off with pride its history, and it is a popular holiday spot for tourists in search of unique cultural experiences as well as quality entertainment. This Skopje Travel Guide will give potential visitors a basic introduction regarding the many things this city has to offer.

Skopje Travel Guide -Transport

The closest international airport is Alexander the Great Airport, located at 20 km from the city. The airport has links with numerous other major airports, such Sofia and Thessaloniki in the Balkan area, and more remote destinations like Amsterdam, Paris or Berlin. Unfortunately, the only means of transport between the airport and Skopje are taxis, but you can also arrange to rent a car, especially if you’d like to visit the city’s surroundings as well.

There are several international train lines that connect Skopje to the rest of Europe, and trains operate daily. Although the journey might be a bit long, you have the chance to admire the country’s natural beauty. The train station is located in the city center, so you can easily get to the accommodation of your choice by bus or taxi. Once you’ve arrived to Skopje, the best way to get around the city is by bus. The city is quite large, and you won’t be able to visit all the main tourist attractions on foot unless you are prepared for some long walks. If you want to get a good look at the city centre, this Skopje Travel Guide recommends that you take a few walks. The city has some interesting pieces of Ottoman architecture that you might miss otherwise.

Skopje Travel Guide - Accommodation

Skopje is rapidly becoming a popular destination among both backpackers and more demanding tourists, so there is an ever increasing number of hotels and hostels that will satisfy every type of tourists. Young people in search of variety and like-minded travelers will definitely feel welcome at Hotel MHC. This youth hostel is located in the city centre, close to many major attractions, and it offers comfortable and clean rooms at affordable prices. Holiday Inn Skopje is located on the shores of the Vardar River, near a cluster of great bars and restaurants that are especially popular in summer. If you want to stay at Skopje’s finest and most exclusive hotel, choose Aleksandar Palace, a five star establishment on the banks of the Vadar River, with excellent facilities such as Jacuzzi, spa, solarium and a gourmet restaurant.

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